

Low/No-Code Solutions that change the world
Shaping the
Post-pandemic SocIoTy
Let the Best Win
Capture-the-Flag Challenges
Smart Cities, Homes and Buildings
The Inside Scoop
Find solutions for specific scenarios in smart environments.
Ready to Join the Hackathon?

What you Will Achieve

PreΣΦΗΜΜΥ Phases

Understanding the Problem

We’ll begin by exploring the hackathon’s challenges, focusing on cyber-physical systems like smart cities, smart homes, and advanced software development technologies.

Low/No-Code Solutions

Once we’ve identified the problems, we’ll design and implement solutions using modern low-code or no-code tools, ensuring efficiency and scalability.

Capture-the-Flag & Finals

Teams will compete in a capture-the-flag style contest, solving challenges to earn points. The best teams will advance to the finals and tackle a surprise problem!

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